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Studio Filmowe KALEJDOSKOP


Alphabetical list of films

Why Zamość (1998)


year: 1998

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Tony Halik discribes the world (1998)

Film about traveller, journalist, documentalist - Tony Halik who died during realization of this film

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My Great Grandpa – Melchior Wańkowicz (1998)


The famous Polish writer in the eyes of his great grandson - David Walendowski born in the USA.

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Lynxes (1998)


Guardians and their work in the Białołęka prison, Warsaw. People's behaviour compared with the lynxes being looked after in the Kampinowski National Park near Warsaw.

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Stablilized Area (1997)


The film director goes back to Bytom, Silesia ( Poland) after 10 years and shows the city in the late 90’s.

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My Moscow (1997)


A post-war history of Warsaw shown through the history of the Moscow cinema, the most famous and significant in the life of this city.

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God high… (1997)


A portrait of Adam Bień - the last living Polish officer being judged in Moscow in a famous trial called " The trial of the 16".

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Zbigniew Makowski. Index rerum notabilium (1997)


A portrait of the internationally famous painter - Zbigniew Makowski.

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Bartoszewski (1997)


The life and work of Władysław Bartoszewski - the famous politician.

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Magician (1997)


A lecturer of Marxism at Lublin University who then becomes a magician in a cabaret..

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TOYS (2011)

Toys takes a look at the circumstances which shaped the imaginations of today's generation of Polish artists and designers.

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See also:


Maiden Vows (premiere in 08.10.2010)

Photos from Filip Bajon's movie, based on classic drama by Aleksander Fredro

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See also: