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Studio Filmowe KALEJDOSKOP


Alphabetical list of films

Anything Can Happen (1995)

6-year old Tom on his scooter in the park. He stops a few elderly people and asks them difficult questions about life, death...

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School for Eagles (1995)


A film about the prestigious the Jan Sobieski High School II in Cracow.

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Ukrainian Home (1995)


Two people: Konstancja Rostworowska-Morawska and her brother Andrzej Rostworowski return to the place of their birth near Lvov, Ukraine, which before WW II used to be part of Poland.

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Commuter train (1995)


A history of the Warsaw commuter train called EKD-WKD.

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The School In Piękna Street (1994)


A history of a pre-war school for girls in Piękna street in Warsaw.

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Laski Circle (1994)


The Institute for the Blind Children in Laski near Warsaw in the memories of Zofia Morawska, one of the founders of this Institute.

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Polish Tautologies (1994)


Władysław Tetmajer's painting - an impression.

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Yesterday In A Reporter’s Eyes (1994)


A set of short films based on texts and photographs printed in "The Illustrated Weekly" ("Tygodnik Ilustrowany") between 1892-1903.

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Warsaw 94 – a sentimental trip (1994)


Andrzej Koszyk - a film director and Jacek Kaczmarski - a songster, both emigrated a few years ago. Now they take a trip around Warsaw, the city of their birth and youth.

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555 (1994)


Problems of liver transplantation to children in Poland.

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TOYS (2011)

Toys takes a look at the circumstances which shaped the imaginations of today's generation of Polish artists and designers.

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See also:


Maiden Vows (premiere in 08.10.2010)

Photos from Filip Bajon's movie, based on classic drama by Aleksander Fredro

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See also: